90 Day Organic Conversion Challenge

organic lifestyle

Organic Conversion Challenge

Challenge Yourself for 3 months to eat only Organic and Non-GMO Foods.

Keep a Journal and log what you eat and how you feel daily.

Have you considered trying to eat more organic foods, but failed? Would it be helpful to have others supporting you through your struggles?

Well, you have come to the right place. Today is the first day of the rest of your life! I promise you after you complete this challenge you will feel happier and healthier. We want you to participate not only in the challenge but also join us on Facebook and share your story, ask questions, give feedback. We want to hear from you!!

Not convinced that converting to an organic lifestyle will automatically make you a healthier person?

We make choices every day to spend money on things we don’t really need, and then we are forced to spend money on things we need. I am sure there are things you can sacrifice for your health, right?

10 Essential Benefits of an Organic Lifestyle – Health Works Collective
Jun 20, 2019 A huge part of living organically is only eating food from local, organic-friendly farms. That includes not only fruits and vegetables but meat, as …

For the next 90 days the challenge is to convert to an organic lifestyle and tell us your story.

Here is the first part of the challenge:
Think of five things that you spend money on regularly that you don’t really need. Here are my 5 tell me yours!
1. Starbucks (or some other coffee bar)
2. Movie nights at the theater
3. Eating out
4. Mani/Pedi
5. Cable TV

Part two:
Cut the above expenses and invest that extra money in your grocery shopping.

Part Three:
What challenges did you face?
How did you push yourself to stay on track?
Did you slip on any days and eat non-organic foods?
How do you feel now after eating real food, clean food for the past 90 days?

My first three months were a struggle, however, three years ago when I converted there were not nearly as many choices for organic foods and the prices were higher at that time as well. As awareness has grown and health consciousness no longer means just eating fruits and vegetables because now unfortunately most fruits and vegetables are loaded with toxic chemicals due to the overwhelming amounts of pesticides sprayed on them. However, today if it doesn’t have the USDA Organic label or the Non-GMO Project Verified stamp it’s not even a considerable choice. Remember NON-GMO only means no genetically modified organisms were used in manufacturing the seeds however heavy pesticide use may still be present as most conventional farming use some type of synthetic pesticide.

Soil contamination
aromatic hydrocarbons (such as naphthalene and benzo(a)pyrene), solvents, pesticides, lead, and other heavy metals. Contamination is correlated with the degree

After three years eat a 100% organic diet I feel better, my skin is healthier, I’ve lost weight naturally and I never feel sluggish after a meal.

Organic means pesticide-free yes obviously there are natural pesticides used to protect the food from bugs however these are derived from organic materials.

You may notice organic is now more abundant in most grocery stores and the trend will continue to grow as more people choose an organic lifestyle!

Environmental impact of pesticides
The impact of pesticides consists of the effects of pesticides on non-target species. Pesticides are chemical preparations used to kill fungal or animal