Tag: health

  • Remember when you could just go to the store and buy pretty much anything without a worry?

    Remember when you could just go to the store and buy pretty much anything without a worry?

    Well my friends those days are gone… The Government wants us to believe that these new foods are better for us because they allow for mass production and lower rate of loss due to pest and or illness, and the use of growth hormones allows for higher yields of production and or bigger fruits/vegetables.

    Well all that sounds good, but what are the long-term side effects of daily consumption for us? SUPERBUGS! Antibiotic resistant viruses and unknown illnesses are mysteriously on the rise.

    As we all know nothing happens overnight and these products have been on our shelves since 1999, however the amount of them has slowly increased over the years and without us knowing manufactures were changing the chemical makeup of the foods we eat! Just as with everything effects take time to be revealed and we are now seeing the effects of these genetically engineered foods.

    Remember when you could just go to the store and buy pretty much anything without a worry?

    Grocery shopping has become a two hour excursion of trips down each isle reading labels to determine which foods are safe for my family. When available I buy the Non-GMO Verified brands as they are a bit less expensive and then I buy Organic for the remainder of my shopping list.