I know I have been absent for some time now. I have had many trials and tribulations to contend with over the past few years. However I have not stopped working to bring you knowledge and resources. My ability to keep you updated with new information was temporarily suspended. However this year I will not allow for time to be an issue, I have overcome my hindering hardships and will be back on track this year. You my readers are important to me and to the cause. I intend to be here to provide you with information just as previously promised.
Category: Personal Notes
With Hard Work and Dedication I Can Achieve Anything.
Focusing on getting my business off the ground and making this all come together because with daddy away I need to work hard to stay home with my LO. I know that with hard work and dedication I can achieve anything. I am going to focus on myself and my LO and ensure we are financially stable focusing my energy on my business and school will help me deal with the hurt and pain of being away from my love. It has been a long hard year and I did not expect it to end like this, however next year will be a better year.
Being a Single Mom is a Rewarding Challenge
I have a dream to have a family one day… As for now I am surviving as a single mother.
Being a Single Mom
Sometimes I find myself stressing and stuck in one place, I want to be a stay at home mom. I want to be here for my kids and not have to let other people raise them so I can go make a living.
I have started a business but it is not the business of my dreams and I hold no passion for it, so I have been slow on getting things started and as such have not productive yet.
Today I was hit with yet another challenge and threat to keep my family apart.
Photo by Kat Jayne on Pexels.com So I am going to take today to gather myself and tomorrow when I get up its all about making my home business a success, focusing on school and getting life back on track for my LO. Being a single mom is a challenge however I will make a better life for my children because they mean the world to me and our children are our future.
He’s seven months now and he’s just so active. All over the house crawling and now when you hold his hands instead of walking he runs.
Are Your Kids Night Owls?
They say that most babies start sleeping throughout the night between 3-5months.
My Kids Night Owls
My LO is almost six months and he still wakes up every two hours to eat at night… there are rare occasions when he will sleep for 3-4hrs. Nap time is even worse he only naps once a day for about 45mins to an hour. Have you had similar experiences with your LO?