Category: Healthy Tips

  • 9 Zero Waste Solutions For The Most Difficult Recycling Jobs

    9 Zero Waste Solutions For The Most Difficult Recycling Jobs


    The world is awash in plastic waste. Every year, we generate more than 300 million tons of plastic, much of which ends up in landfills or the ocean. To make matters worse, only 9% of all the plastic ever produced has been recycled.

    So what can we do about all this plastic waste? One solution is to stop using disposable plastic items and switch to reusable alternatives. Another solution is to recycle the plastic we do use. However, recycling can be difficult, and not all plastics are recyclable.

    In this article, we will discuss 9 zero waste solutions for the most difficult recycling jobs. We will also provide some tips on how to reduce your reliance on disposable plastic items.

    Why Zero Waste?

    Zero waste is an approach to reducing plastic pollution that emphasizes resource conservation and reduced consumption. The goal of zero waste is to reduce our reliance on disposable plastic items and to ensure that all materials we do use are either reused, recycled, or composted. Relying on zero-waste solutions reduces our reliance on disposables, which helps reduce the amount of plastic entering our oceans, landfills, and incinerators. Furthermore, transitioning to zero-waste solutions helps us use fewer resources by increasing the number of items that are reused or recycled.

    The Benefits of Zero Waste

    The benefits of transitioning to a zero-waste lifestyle are numerous. The most obvious benefit is a reduction in plastic pollution, as fewer items are going to landfills and the ocean. Additionally, by reducing our reliance on disposable items and intentionally using existing resources, we can reduce our overall consumption, which is beneficial not only for the environment but also financially. This can help us save money while reducing our impact on the planet. Furthermore, zero-waste solutions can help promote social responsibility, as many of the solutions focus on conscious consumption, repurposing existing materials, and reuse. This promotes a more conscious and mindful approach to consumption, which can benefit communities and our overall outlook on consumption.

    9 Zero Waste Solutions

    There are many solutions to reduce plastic waste and transition to a zero-waste lifestyle. Here are 9 solutions for the most difficult recycling jobs:

    • Refillable containers: Refillable bottles and containers are a great way to reduce single-use plastics like disposable water bottles. Keeping a few reusable bottles and containers on hand for everyday use can drastically reduce your plastic consumption.

    • Compostable packaging: Compostable packaging is becoming increasingly popular and a great way to reduce your reliance on plastic packaging. This packaging is usually made from plant-based materials like wheat straw and is designed to be composted after it has served its purpose.

    • Reusable grocery bags: Shopping bags are one of the most problematic types of plastic waste. Reusable shopping bags are the easiest and most effective way to reduce this type of waste.

    • Reusable produce bags: Many people buy fruits and vegetables in plastic bags, which can quickly add up to a lot of waste. Investing in reusable produce bags is an easy way to reduce this type of waste.

    • Refillable cleaning products: Many disposable cleaning products are packaged in wasteful plastic containers. Refillable cleaning products are an easy way to reduce this waste.

    • Recycling programs: If you live in a city or town with a robust recycling program, participating in it is a great way to ensure that the plastic items you are using are properly recycled.

    • Repair and repurpose: Rather than throwing out plastic items, try to repair or repurpose them. This can help reduce the amount of plastic waste that ends up in landfills.

    • Reusable straws: Plastic straws are a major source of plastic waste. Investing in reusable straws is an easy way to reduce your plastic waste.

    • Curbside recycling: Most towns and cities offer curbside recycling services. Utilizing these services can help make it easier to recycle plastic items, be sure to check and see what your waste management company accepts.

    How to Get Started with Zero Waste

    Getting started with zero-waste solutions can seem daunting, but there are a few steps you can take to get started: First, start small making the transition to zero waste can seem overwhelming, so start with one or two reusable items and work your way up. Second, educate yourself on the potential zero-waste solutions available. This will help you make informed decisions and find the solutions that will work best for you. Third use less plastic, take stock of the plastic you use and try to find ways to reduce that number. Finally, get creative with your solutions and repurpose items whenever possible.

    Are You Ready to Go Zero Waste?

    Going zero waste is an easy way to reduce your reliance on disposables and make a difference in the environment. It can be daunting at first, but with some knowledge and effort, it’s possible to adopt a zero-waste lifestyle and make a meaningful difference. Are you ready to go to zero waste?

    Recycling Resources for some hard-to-recycle products

    Searching for how and where to recycle items like car seats, pots and pans, old broken toys, and other common household items.

    Carseat recycling is available through a twice-a-year program sponsored by Target or through National Carseat Recycling Program, local Bay Area residents may request a free local pickup for Century car seats and baby gear.

    Marker recycling is offered through Crayola and Crayons can be recycled through the National Crayon Recycling Program.

    Recycling old cookware and baking dishes can be tricky use Earth911 to find a local scrap metal drop-off location. Local pickup service may be offered in some areas or you can ship your items here.

    How do I recycle old plastic toys? Mattel Playback Program will accept Barbie®, Matchbox®, and MEGA to learn more about their program. Got Legos you need to let go download a free shipping label from Lego Replay. For recycling all Hasbro brand toys and games, Spin Master toys and games, L.O.L. Surprise products and packaging, and VTech and LeapFrog electronic toys and learning devices we have joined forces with TerraCycle to collect and ship these items in bulk. Brand join Terracycle to create closed-loop solutions for their product lines.

    How about those plastic parts of the price tags on my clothing? We are still researching this, some of those closures are nylon and others are plastic.

    Plastic bags and films can be recycled search for your local drop-off location here.

    How2Recycle aims to help you understand how to recycle properly and what can be recycled. Brands can join their program to help people recycle better.

  • How To Start Composting In Your Apartment (It’s So Easy!)

    How To Start Composting In Your Apartment (It’s So Easy!)


    Are you interested in composting but don’t know where to start? Composting is a great way to reduce your waste, help the environment, and even grow your food!

    Despite what many people think, composting is very easy to do – and it doesn’t have to be smelly or gross. It can be a very rewarding experience.

    There are many different ways to compost, but the most important thing is to get started! This article will show you how to start composting in your apartment so that you can start reducing your waste and helping the environment.

    How To Start Composting In Your Apartment

    What You Need To Start Composting: The great thing about composting is that you don’t need much to get started. You will need a compost bin, some organic material (such as food scraps, coffee grounds, and cardboard/newspaper), and some soil or compost to add to your bin. You can buy a compost bin from any home improvement store, or you can make your own. The containers should be airtight and large enough to hold the amount of compost that you plan to make. If you don’t have outdoor space, you may want to look into indoor bins. These are specially designed to be space-efficient and are great for small apartments. Just make sure that you have enough room for the bin and regular access to a power outlet for ventilation.

    The Different Types of Composting: There are two main types of composting – aerobic and anaerobic. Aerobic composting requires oxygen, while anaerobic composting does not. For most apartment composting, aerobic composting is the best option. This uses bacteria and fungi to break down the organic material and create compost. Anaerobic composting, on the other hand, uses worms and other organisms to create more nutrient-rich compost. This method is best suited for people with outdoor space, as many of the organisms require a higher temperature than can be achieved in an apartment.

    How To Compost In Your Apartment: Once you’ve got your compost bin ready to go, you’re ready to start composting! Regularly add your organic material to the bin, such as food scraps, coffee grounds, and cardboard/newspaper. You can also add paper towels, tea bags, and shredded paper to the mix. Make sure that you mix the material and add water, as this helps break down the material faster. Try to keep the material damp, but not saturated. Finally, add a layer of soil or compost to the top of the bin. This helps to speed up the composting process, as well as providing essential nutrients for your compost.

    The Benefits of Composting: Composting offers many benefits, both to you and the environment. Composting reduces the amount of waste that is sent to landfills, as it can be used to enrich the soil and help plants grow instead. Composting also helps you save money, as you won’t need to buy as much fertilizer or soil amendments. You’ll also have easy access to compost for your garden or potting projects! How To Get Started: The best way to get started is to research local composting programs. Many cities have programs in place to help make composting easy and convenient. Some cities even have special bins for composting. You can also check online for tutorials and tips on composting. There are also many online communities dedicated to composting, where you can get advice and support from experienced composters.

    FAQs About Composting:

    Q: How long does it take to compost?

    A: It will depend on the type of composting you’re doing and the size of the bin, but most compost bins should be ready to use within a few weeks.

    Q: What can I compost?

    A: You can compost most organic materials, such as food scraps, coffee grounds, cardboard/newspaper, paper towels, tea bags, and shredded paper.

    Q: Is composting smelly?

    A: Composting can be smelly, but it doesn’t have to be. Make sure you’re adding the right ratio of materials, as well as mixing and keeping the material damp (but not saturated). This will help reduce any odors from composting.

    Conclusion: Composting is an easy and rewarding way to help reduce waste and help the environment. With the right equipment and a bit of know-how, you can start composting in your apartment in no time. Remember to research local composting programs, as well as tutorials and tips online. And don’t forget to ask questions if you’re ever in doubt!

  • Healthy Living 10 Tips to Healthier Happier Toxin Free Home

    Healthy Living 10 Tips to Healthier Happier Toxin Free Home

    Learn How to Reduce Toxins in Your Home.

    Toxins come from everything. Pollution from manufacturing plants and vehicles fills the air we breathe and our day-to-day home and health care products are filled with unknown ingredients including formaldehyde. Our clothing even contains toxins from dyes, antibacterial and odor resistant products. Avoid antibacterial and odor-fighting clothing containing nanosilver and triclosan.

    1. Wash new clothes at least once before wearing
    2. choose cleaning products made from plants not petroleum
    3. Look for local wet cleaners or laundry service over dry cleaning
    4. Avoid school products and clothing that claims to fight bacteria and order causing germs
    5. Air out baby play and sleeping areas 6 months before due date
    6. Don't use vinyl mattress and pillow covers
    7. Use laundry detergents free for fragrances, perfumes and dyes
    8. Try using castle soap or plant based laundry alternatives
    9. Use Wool Balls or wet dryer sheets to fight wrinkles
    10. Choose products without flame retardants
    • Go Green Convert To A Sustainable Lifestyle Unite For A Better World

    Taking time to understand what products we use in our day-to-day lives that have toxins in them and changing to safer, healthier, non-toxic choices allows our bodies to be healthier.

  • My Journey From Normal To Organic Only

    My Journey From Normal To Organic Only

    My Journey Begins

    I started my journey to live an organic lifestyle in 2013 when my son was born. It was his life and health and my newly acquired knowledge about genetically modified foods that accompanied with my belief since early childhood that medication should be limited to actual need. You see even as a child when my mother would give me Congespirin to mask my cold symptoms I would pretend to take it and then dispose of the pills in the trash. Mom always thought I stayed sick longer then my older sister, however I do not believe that to be the case. Because I have refused medication and allowed my body to build up natural immunity I have not suffered from a common cold since I was a child.

    During my first pregnancy twenty years ago I suffered from the flu three time during that pregnancy. You see my diet was not great I lived off Mountain dew and processed foods like McDonalds and Wendy’s and store bought premade frozen dishes and starters. Although I was healthy in all respects my body was not able to fight off the virus and give the baby everything he needed. I did not understand this at the time I only knew the baby was taking everything and I wasn’t able to stay healthy. Always sick and miserable. My eldest son I placed in open-adoption and we have maintained a solid relationship to this day. He suffered from many illnesses during childhood.

    Now when I had my second child in 2013 I still suffered from illness and caught the flu at least once during my pregnancy. And while yes I was healthier I still had been eating fast foods from taquerias and local eateries like In-and Out Burgers. My second son, is very healthy overall, it wasn’t until he started preschool that he seemed to be sick everyday. Now that he is nearly eight his immune system stronger he still is the one who gets sick fastest in the family.

    Now my last pregnancy, this child born from a body nourished of only organic foods for a solid five years, healthier and stronger then ever I did not get the flu during this pregnancy. I was able to work throughout my entire pregnancy for the first time ever. This son was born in 2018 he encountered kids in his brothers kindergarten class who touched him all over everyday and yet he stayed healthy. He has been sick only two times in his life and the last being a week ago after a trip to the playground when both my children woke in the wee hours of the morning hurling.

    Being a holistic mom I do not administer medication to my kids instead they both got hot showers/baths and a cup/glass of water with raw apple cider vinegar and blue agave. Five hours later both boys are feeling 100% better no more tummy aches, no more fever.

    Food Is Medicine Is No Myth

    I tell you all this to help you understand that I am here to help people realize that it is more important to invest in a healthy body and that by eating more organic foods, non-processed foods, and non-gmo foods you can effectively boost your immune system. This change takes time, however depending where you live there are likely a large number of organic options available and as demand increases so does supply.

    Some myths about organic foods.

    • organic food taste different
    • organic food taste bad
    • there is no difference between organic foods and non organic foods

    Genetically modified foods contain biotoxins meant to control the insect population. read more. I don’t know about you however to me the word toxin means poison and if it is meant to kill insects who eat it then what effect will that toxin have on the human body over the long term? Studies are weighed in both directions to the benefits and possible, or likely side effects. In my experience the FDA approves harmful products and medications as routine. We hear commercials everyday for new and existing medications which are meant to cure or improve the symptoms of one illness and in return most of them there have a long list of side effects; often one of those side effects is death. However the benefits outweigh the negatives and the number of people who will die is minimal so it is acceptable. So I am no conspiracy theorist I just like to know what is in my foods and so I choose to avoid the unknown and buy only organic and non-gmo certified foods.

    What Is In The Air we Breath

    We cannot control our exposure to toxins outside the home in air pollution from car exhaust, construction and such. However we can control our exposure in the home by reducing and removing toxic chemicals, switching from harsh chemicals like bleach to a safer alternatives like vinegar. Plant-based alternatives can be highly effective and many known brands now offer eco solutions like tide. Lust like toxic people, toxins in the air effect your over all well being.

    Are there really toxins in my clothing?

    Yes even organic cotton clothing that has been died or printed on has been exposed to toxic chemical from the dyes and ink used. For this reason it is important to wash all new clothing before wearing it. Buying organic cotton products helps farmers and the environment. Not only should we be concerned about our clothing but also women’s sanitary products which made from non-organic cotton maybe leaking toxins into your body at your most vulnerable time. Switching to organic pads better, safer and healthier for you or organic period panties which are also sustainable and reduce the amount on non-biodegradable materials that end up in our landfills.

    Speaking of landfills did you know most clothing items we throw away can be recycled into new products?

  • Chia for life… These seeds harbor amazing health benefits!

    Chia for life… These seeds harbor amazing health benefits!

    Chia seeds are small and nutritious possibly one of the most beneficial seeds you can include in your diet. Packed with antioxidants, fiber, protein these little seeds can help you lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

    Chia seeds
    black chia seeds

    1 ounce (28 grams) serving of chia seeds contains:
    Fiber: 11 grams.
    Protein: 4 grams.
    Fat: 9 grams (5 of which are Omega-3s).
    Calcium: 18% of the RDA.
    Manganese: 30% of the RDA.
    Magnesium: 30% of the RDA.
    Phosphorus: 27% of the RDA.
    They also contain a decent amount of Zinc, Vitamin B3 (Niacin), Potassium, Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) and Vitamin B2.
    This is particularly impressive when you consider that this is just a single ounce, which supplies only 137 calories and one gram of digestible carbohydrate!

  • Driscoll Cares about what we eat, the environment and our health!

    Driscoll Cares about what we eat, the environment and our health!

    Mom and Baby Healthy Living say thank you to Driscoll’s for providing delicious berries for us to enjoy, your organic options are super yummy. My son enjoys fresh organic blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries. Your raspberries are some of the sweetest I’ve ever tasted.

    We love the fact that if we can afford organic we can still feel at ease purchasing your GMO-Free fruits throughout the year. So thank you Driscoll for caring about the fruits we eat, the environment, and our health!


  • Do You Know What Is In Your Makeup?

    Do You Know What Is In Your Makeup?

    What Is In Your Makeup?

    Formaldehyde is in your makeup and hygiene products.

    Did you know that formaldehyde is one of the most commonly used preservatives in cosmetics, lotions, hair care, soap, baby products, building materials, and many more household products?

    What Is In Your Makeup

    Cosmetic products release small amounts of this chemical continuously, so seldom used cosmetics have a buildup of this toxin just waiting for you to use the product again. This combine with the exposure from the exhaust and other sources can add up by the end of the day.

    Other ways we are exposed to formaldehyde include vehicle exhaust, gas stoves, wood-burning stoves, cigarette smoke, pressed wood, and kerosene heaters. Some of these are unavoidable in everyday life such as vehicle exhaust; however, that is just one reason we are required to pass emissions every two years.


    Formaldehyde is a colorless, strong-smelling, flammable chemical. According to the National Cancer Institute formaldehyde has been classified as a known carcinogen (cancer-causing substance) by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. Some individuals experience short-term effects when exposed to formaldehyde. A suggested association of cancers such as nasopharyngeal cancer and leukemia; has been shown in research studies of workers exposed to formaldehyde (National Cancer Institute).

    According to studies, cancer is associated with high levels of prolonged exposure to formaldehyde; however, no studies have been conducted which would indicate clearly if exposure to small amounts continuously throughout the day is harmful.

    National Cancer Institute. (2014). Formaldehyde and cancer risk. National cancer institute factsheet. Retrieved from:

  • Go Green Convert To A Sustainable Lifestyle Unite For A Better World

    Go Green Convert To A Sustainable Lifestyle Unite For A Better World

    Everyday we continue to destroy out planet. I guess the mentality has been that mother nature would replenish herself.

    We continue to destroy out planet

    However this is not the case, natural resources are running out, we are destroying our oceans by discarding trash in them. Chemical spills in our oceans are make the fish toxic! We hear about oil spills, but what about the toxic chemicals that are being thrown away in the ocean, like plastic bottle that take millions of years to biodegrade and release toxic chemicals into the water as they do start to breakdown.

    And we wonder why our children are sick, getting cancer and developing other health conditions such as asthma or skin allergies.

    We need to protect our children and unite for a better world – a safer world for our families!

    Join me and other parents working to change our lives and create a safer world for our children.

  • Remove harsh chemicals from your home

    Remove harsh chemicals from your home

    Have you ever wondered what ingredients like Cocamidopropyl betaine, polyquaternium-10, tetrasodium EDTA, and PEG-80 sorbitan laureate are?

    These are ingredients found in most baby shampoos!!

    Now, do you want to know what they are? EWG’s Skin Deep Cosmetics Database has answers! Visit and find out what you’re really putting on your skin!! According to EWG Cocamidopropyl Betaine is a low health concern it may cause skin irritation or dermatitis. However, formaldehyde has high health concerns, a high risk of causing cancer, and moderate skin irritations. Used in many cosmetics as a preservative as this is released over time.  More to come on in another post.

  • Happy New Year 2014!!

    Everyday I wake up I strive to be a better person.
    Welcoming 2014 with an open mind and a open heart looking forward to all the joys and laughter ahead with my LO as he grows and learns.
    Drive and ambition are my two best friends
    I will take on this year as every year before with an outlook of prosperity and good fortune.
    I will say goodbye to all the negative energy and people in my life, I haven’t got time or energy for you to drain from me.  I say goodbye to stress and anxiety.
    We believe in you!
    It is not for me to judge others therefore I shall not.
    It is not for me to say if what you do is right or wrong, therefore I hold my tongue.
    This year we are making a commitment to a healthier life and you can too!!